I mainly do solidity workspaces & tools to interact with EVM

From workspaces with contracts/tests/scripts to whole cloud infrastructures.

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Always updated with the latest tech in the web3 space.

DeFi experience since bullrun 2021 with over 60 projects.

Switch mindset based on scenario, from bad actor to UX/community suggestions.

Comprehensive pricing and i always care about the code first.

No farewell after payment/project release, i always take care of my childs when i can.

Lot of time dedicated to coding/managing projects.

Let's start building

Everything you need to know

What languages do you know?

Solidity, Python, Javascript, Rust.

What is the price for informations?

0, i'm a friendly guy and i always like to have a chat

Can you fix contracts or projects?

As long as the EVM permits me, i try to help in any way possible, with or without source codes.

Do you do marketing?

No, i leave that to professionals that are skilled in that space.
I'm a coder.

Can you make websites?

No, i can build what's behind websites, from servers to api to routing, but not web applications. I'm not a frontend dev.

Why aren't you doxxed?

The EVM scares me. My work scares me sometimes.. To keep coding with a peace-of-mind, i need to protect my real identity.

What took you so long?

Let's have a chat

I'm available on Telegram basically every day.